You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for April 2001.
April 29th, 2001 @ 12:15 pm

Towards the end of April 2001, I emailed mom a link to a fake news story at Ü titled Local Man Dies of Everything His Mother Ever Worried About. She replied a few days later with:   Verrrrrry Funnnny! Apparently, he didn’t actually listen to his mother. See what you have avoided over the years!!! […]

Masters in Social Psychology
April 23rd, 2001 @ 7:44 pm

In late April of 2001 my mom sent the following email to the graduate coordinator of the sociology department at the University of Florida. I have no idea if she ever received a response. I know it’s really late to apply for the fall program, but I am interested in a Masters degree in Sociology […]

Flight Details
April 3rd, 2001 @ 6:34 pm

My mother sent me this email, with the subject line “get those flight arrangements to me”: So, my love, Here goes. Hope this works. Sorry it’s not a literary gem, but I’m beat. Long, hard day. Speaking of Easter, I’m not sure where we’ll be having Easter dinner – which does not mean to make […]