“The Dairy Freeze has been there on Conimicut Road forever, or 53 years if you want to believe the sign. We used to stop there all the time and get banana splits for about $.50. They also had great lemonade.”
This is one of those bits of mom’s writing that really gets to me. I have a vague, dreamy memory of getting ice cream with her at a Dairy Queen in Florida when I was a little kid. But it’s hazy and cloudy; I can’t remember it. I know that mom loved ice cream, that’s for sure. And I know that she and her mother used to get ice cream all the time, and that she used to go with my little sister to get ice cream as a treat.
I’m pretty jealous of all the time my little sister spent with her after I left for college, and then when I moved across the country. I wish to God I had taken her for a banana split that last time I visited. I wish … I wish a lot of pointless things, I guess. I miss her so much.