March 24, 1970
Well, I lived through last night. I guess all I’m afraid of at this point is the fear or is that true? You know better than I would. In any case, the incubation period of spinal meningitis is probably not a whole week.
Jerry and Joe are praying for me and does that mean a lot to me. When I called beautiful, beautiful Joe today, it was a help. He made me realize that when Satan is so close, there are three of us there and the one in the middle, the strongest one is you. Your love. Wow! How I need your love, Lord. It’s my life like I told Jake Sunday, my whole life is in you and your people. My brothers. Oh, God. I still need your help. I still feel week. Maybe Sunday I thought I had Satan conquered. He doesn’t give up that easily at all, does he? But then, neither do you and if I only ask, you will stay with me always.
You know there are times when I can’t feel anything. It’s all blank. Please be there with me then giving me your comfort and your strength.
What a beautiful lesson there must be for me to learn from all this! Praise you, Father. Guide me as I must surely be the weakest of your children. Use me any way you will only keep me close to you.