You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for May 1970.
Man, Have I Got Problems
May 4th, 1970 @ 12:00 pm

  May 4 Well, it looks like I’ll be writing in a new book from now on; I left the other one at O.L.P. Oh, father, I really hope that if someone finds it, it helps them. How can I ever praise you enough for this weekend and for today? I love you. I praise […]

May 2nd, 1970 @ 12:00 pm

  May 2 Praise you, Jesus! Praise you, father! Praise you, Spirit! Thank you for yesterday at the apartment with Fran and Irene. Thank you for the Teen Challenge workers. Thank you for the Pentecostal prayer meeting and the fullness of tongues I received there. Let me always have the courage to use my gifts. […]