You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for 2000.
Television Commercial
December 19th, 2000 @ 8:27 pm

If you lived in the Gainesville / Ocala Florida COX Cable market you would have had a chance to see mom on television. She was in the COX Happy Holidays commercial, sitting at her desk and waving at the camera. I wrote about it on my personal site.

October 21st, 2000 @ 6:28 pm

On a late Saturday afternoon in the Fall, a year before 9/11, my mother sent me the following email, with the subject line “my new email address”: Ta Da! If you have received this epistle, I am connected to Earthlink and somehow sending email through Outlook. I think. Anyway, save the address. Changing isps is […]

After the Fact
September 18th, 2000 @ 2:05 pm

As soon as I moved to Los Angeles, Mom started to send me articles about the Gators which she clipped from The Gainesville Sun. Sometimes she’d toss in a few Peanuts comics or a sticker, little things like that. And always a note. Here is the note she included after we beat Tennessee 27-23 in […]