My sister visited my mom twice today at the Halifax Hospital Psychiatric Unit. She called me at 9:41 AM and we talked for eight minutes and then she called me again at 5:28 PM and we talked for eighteen minutes.
Here are the notes I logged for the calls:
[My sister] called me after visiting mom at 11AM (ET) and 6PM (ET).
She said bathrooms are filthy, day room is very small and overcrowded; said mom looks just like Nana, and that she’s aged 30 years; said mom won’t make eye contact; mom said she was raped the previous night, and that the people there are bad; was able to identify an Uno card as yellow one time; [my sister] said drawer in bedside table where she keeps cards from me is broken and facilities are “old”, psych center is in an old part of hospital
[my sister] crying and scared