Florida Department of Children and FamiliesI called Investigator Brown from the Florida Department of Children and Families. 1 He had previously told me that I would never hear from him again regarding his investigation, but I thought it might make sense to provide him with the additional information that my mother is now dead.

I called the number on my caller ID from when he called me on Saturday morning, but there was no answer. The outgoing voice mail noted that callers could attempt to contact him using his state-issued cell phone using the number (386) 299-0820, so I called that.

He answered the phone on the second ring. I said, “Hello, Mr. Brown. This is David Gagne.”

He said, “Hello, Mr. Gagne,” and I said, “My mom is dead.”

Investigator Brown replied, “Really? That’s a shame. Did they tell you what happened?”

I explained in great detail everything that had occurred since I spoke to him. He told me that he had indeed been to visit my mom at Woodland Terrace on the afternoon of August 11th. He said she was resting and watching TV. He said he, “didn’t feel like she had mental capacity,” but that she appeared to be, “almost napping.”

I asked him if they had given him a copy of the paperwork he had requested, and he said, “Yes, but this isn’t my only case and I haven’t had time to look at it yet.”

We talked for a minute about how he wasn’t allowed to talk to me about his investigation at all, and then he said, “Trust me. I’ll be in touch with law enforcement on it.”

I thanked him and said goodbye.

The entire call lasted six minutes.

1 Note that all times on this website are Pacific unless clearly stated otherwise. This call occurred at 12:24 PM EDT.