About a month after she died, I sent the following email to one of the places mom worked when I was a kid:
From: Gagne, David
To: Morris, Patty
Subject: Employee Records
Sent: September 5, 2012 11:22 AM PacificDear Ms. Morris,
I found your email address listed as the contact reference for the “Human Resources Director” on the Daytona Beach News-Journal website.
My mother, Kathleen Anne Albanese Gagne, was an employee at the News-Journal in the early 80s.
She passed away a few weeks ago, and I am so, so sad. I have been trying to build a timeline of her life which I can pass to my son one day so he will have some connection to his grandmother.
Is there any way you can tell me — or you can direct me to the person there who might be able to tell me — the dates my mother was employed there? I have to believe that there must be some sort of records about her. I am not asking for anything other than perhaps the date she started working there and the date she stopped working there.
If you can help me in any way I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you sincerely,
David Vincent Gagne
Ms. Morris replied just a few hours later:
From: Morris, Patty
To: Gagne, David
Subject: RE: Employee Records
Sent: September 5, 2012 1:11 PMDavid,
I am sorry to hear of the passing of your mother.The News-Journal Corporation dissolved in 2010 due to a law suit. All records from that company were confiscated by attorneys and have been destroyed. We are now Halifax Media Group.
I will forward your email to Kathy Kelly who has worked for the newspaper for almost 49 years and most likely knew your mother. She may be able to assist you with the information you are seeking to share with your children.
Take care,
Patty Morris
Human Resources Director
I never heard from Ms. Kelly.