My sister sent me an email with information about some of what she’s been handling:

Hi, David.

Debbie Meadows from ChamberlinEdmonds in Orlando called me […]. She said that Medicaid is waiting on Social Security who is waiting for the death certificate. I told her I knew that Social Security was waiting for the death certificate because we were as well. I told her that as soon as you received it, you would be bringing it with your birth certificate to your local Social Security office. She is sending me her information via mail because I will need to send her a copy too. She will then send a copy to Medicaid.


I called Mom’s student loan provider today, Nelnet. I asked what I needed to do about her loan. Basically, once I have the death certificate, I need to send them a certified copy, and the loan will be “discharged”.

[…] told me that if we get any bills, we should mail them back and write “deceased” on them and that should be enough for some of them.


I replied at 11:08 PM with:

Hey, [name redacted],

Well, now I’m really confused. Why would Medicaid be waiting on Social Security? I thought they were two completely separate organizations, that Social Security was a federal program and Medicaid was a state program.

And what exactly is ChamberlinEdmonds? That sounds like a private company and not a federal or state institution at all. Why is someone from there our contact person instead of someone with the State of Florida or the United States government? Do you have an email address for this Debbie Meadows?

What prompted you to call Nelnet? I have a few bills from them that went to the post office box […] in Florida. Are you receiving any of mom’s bills there? If so, please let me know about them (even if you are handling them) because I don’t want us both dealing with the same companies simultaneously.
