Shelly Sparace from Woodland Terrace called me this afternoon to ask me to fax (or scan and email) my paperwork to prove that I have Power of Attorney for mom.
I explained to Shelly that I do not have PoA for mom, because by the time my sister and I were certain we should get it, we were told she would not have been legally competent to grant it.
Shelly and I discussed, however, that — according to the many notices and statements and Florida and federal “patients’ rights” documents I’ve been given over the last eight months — it is absolutely, unquestionably my right and responsibility to be the one to make any decisions about mom’s health care. In the absence of parents, “the law” appears to be quite clear that the eldest child is the one deemed to be responsible. That’s me.
Shelly agreed with my interpretation of the situation and promised to keep me informed of any new developments with mom.