You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for September 2001.
A Rough Week
September 8th, 2001 @ 12:00 pm

It’s been a rough week — lots of fears, lots of immobility, lots of eating and feeling lonely. Sometimes I feel as if I’m learning all kinds of things and changing — working to get better while accepting myself more. Other times I feel stuck, as if I physically can’t move forward or ahead, and […]

Lucky, Blessed, and Grateful
September 1st, 2001 @ 12:00 pm

Seems like it’s been a long, sort of lonely day. I ate junk all day, too, and spent too much money, and my head felt funny. Jen called, so that was a bright spot. I guess they got tickets to the game. The Gators won and looked great and will probably stay at #1. I […]