You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for February 2002.
February 27, 2002
February 27th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Daddy died 16 years ago today. I think maybe I never really knew him. Jen came over tonight. She’s staying here because it’s going in the 20s, and she’s staying tomorrow night, too. I think my job is going to be ok. Gotta figure out the money. Maybe I can try some freelance writing. David […]

February 26, 2002
February 26th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Second day at the School Board — better than orientation day. Donna took me to lunch at Sweetwater across the street. She’s very nice and very smart and she cares deeply about the work she does. I have a lot to learn — again. And I have to figure out how to make more money! […]

February 24, 2002
February 24th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Tomorrow I start my new job — here goes. Today I had breakfast with Anita, Lunch with Jen and Alicia at Ballyhoo, and went to see Lord of the Rings for the third time with them. It was fun. I also increased the dose of my BP med per Dr. Wang. I need to have […]

A Job!
February 21st, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

I got a job today — with the Alachua County School Board and Americorps. At less than 2/3 of what I was making at Cox. What am I thinking? How the hell am I going to do this financially? I guess I have 2 or 3 choices — a part-time job, a home business (a […]

A Million Hours All at Once
February 18th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

I’ve been out of work for almost seven months. I think I’m changing, inside, learning better how to deal with life and stress. Maybe. Running out of money again. Even after getting $2338 back from taxes. Owe all my big bills plus $1047 for property tax, $392 for homeowners insurance. All that’s on the table […]

Super Bowl
February 3rd, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Took Mom back to Dic’s today. House feels all empty again. Jen and I watched the Superbowl there. Had a headache all day — hope it’s allergies and not bp, but my ankle is all swollen. Anyway, the Patriots beat the Rams 20-17, yea!!! What a cool game. Need to talk to Susan about EMDR […]