You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for August 2002.
August 22nd, 2002 @ 6:55 pm

I must have asked my mom for my grandmother’s mailing address, most likely because I wanted to send her a birthday card. She sent me this email:   From: Gagne, Kathie To: Gagne, David Subject: Nana Sent: August 27, 2002 6:55 PM Nana is at: Peridot Place 252 Lake Forest Blvd. Room 142 Daytona Beach, […]

In Capital Letters
August 4th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

I feel pretty sad today. Jen breezed in and out like a wraith and I can’t believe how much I already miss her. I won’t see her again for almost two months. God, I’m so alone! I never seem to lose weight — I can’t find enough money — and I’m so alone. But I […]

August 3, 2002
August 3rd, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Jen slept with me last night. She came home late and I was zonked. [Redacted] slept in Jen’s bed and Jen in mine. When we woke up this morning, we were pretty silly. Shia Khan was on the bed. Then we got up and had breakfast & Jen and [redacted] left to wander around time. […]

August 2nd, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Jen and [redacted] got here about ½ hour ago. I guess I’ll get to spend about five hours with Jen and then I won’t see her until the end of September. That’s about 6 weeks. But then, I think she’s staying a week. I want to write about Pudge, a stray I had picked up. […]