I feel pretty sad today. Jen breezed in and out like a wraith and I can’t believe how much I already miss her. I won’t see her again for almost two months.
God, I’m so alone! I never seem to lose weight — I can’t find enough money — and I’m so alone.
But I am trying to focus sometimes on what I’m grateful for. Of course it’s Jen and David. I can’t believe how much they love me! I feel so unworthy (but, then, that’s the story of my life). David has been messaging me every day — a lot. And he’s even telling me how much he loves me — in capital letters!
I’ve been thinking about Pudge. I hope his passing is easy. I don’t know how those people can do what they do! My heart goes out to them.
Jen’s supposed to call when she gets to the [redacted]’s. I can’t wait to hear her voice!
It’s been a year since I left Cox.
Call soon, Jen!
Kathleen A. Gagne