You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for 2002.
May 10, 2002 1:30 AM
May 9th, 2002 @ 10:30 pm

Jen moved in about a week ago — she is being incredibly wonderful, and I treasure every moment. She’s going to Alabama on the 23rd, then to Chicago and the App. Trail with [redacted]. Then, in July, she’s going to Chicago for six months. David will be in Florida in about 5 days and Jen […]

Being So Alone
April 12th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Jen is definitely moving in, but only for May and June. Then she plans to go to Chicago for six months and come back to work in January. Six months at a time in Gainesville with no one to love me. And no money. All those days off in the summer, and no one to […]

Broken Bones
April 5th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Sunday night (Easter), Mom fell on my doorstep and broke her left ankle. We spent hours in the emergency room before they finally admitted her. I spent most of Monday trying to find a place where she could get appropriate care. Finally, Tuesday night, Jen and I drove her to Port Orange, to Horizons where […]

March 31st, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Jen’s pretty definitely moving in sometime in May. She says we’re in a good place so we can get along. But she also says she’s probably going to move to Chicago before the end of the year. And tomorrow’s Easter. A year since we’ve seen David for more than 24 hours. What the hell am […]

March 28, 2002
March 28th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Jen is back from Chicago. She got in Tuesday night, and today she’s coming over for Mom Night. At the end of May, she’s going on the Appalachian Trail for a week again. David is definitely not coming for Easter. I hope he’ll be in Florida for a few days when Ryan gets married, and […]

this is cool
March 27th, 2002 @ 7:44 pm

On March 26th, 2002 I emailed my mom and dad a link to 1 My mom replied to me and said: David, That was SOOOOOOO cool! I looked at all of them and printed them out just because they were so cool! Makes you think – at least at my age…. I love you […]

near miss
March 25th, 2002 @ 1:10 pm

Apparently on March 19th of 2002, I emailed my mom a link to an article about how the Earth had almost been hit by a massive asteroid. I’m sure at the time I sent it I was laughing because she and I used to joke about a horrible sci-fi made-for-TV movie we saw in the […]

March 21, 2002
March 21st, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

Susan and I spoke at length about my fears about health. I think I told her more about what it does to me than I’ve ever told anyone. She said it comes from me not having anyone understand me or comfort me when I was a child. I told her I felt as if there […]

I Wish We Could Talk for a Long Time
March 16th, 2002 @ 8:46 pm

I have owned this domain name for a long, long time. For many years there was nothing here at all; I always planned on one day making a website to display some of mom’s artwork and / or writing. (She wrote a ton of fiction.) I configured an email address for her so she’d have […]

March 10, 2002
March 10th, 2002 @ 12:00 pm

I’ve finished two full weeks of work. It’s okay, but I’m still working with a team. Donna is great. She seems to be an incredibly nice woman. She’s already looking for ways to get me a Masters degree. I think my money problems are going to be with me for a while. I either need […]