Heartfelt thanks
Heartfelt thanks
On mom’s old hard drive I found a document named BLACKIE.doc, dated March 25, 2006. It is split into two distinct sections: BLACKIE We got Blackie when I was almost eleven. He was a beautiful springer spaniel with only a little white on his chest. Mom wouldn’t have a dog in the house, so […]
From: Gagne, Kathleen To: Gagne, David Subject: Your Car…… Sent: March 24, 2006 11:43 AM Hi, Honey, ast week, someone put a note on the Honda saying they were interested in buying it. It would be really nice if I knew exactly what you want to do with it. It’s too late to use […]
On mom’s old computer hard drive, I found a letter she drafted in March of 2006 to cancel her lawn care service. I have no way to know if she ever actually sent it, of course, but I’d bet she did. It’s just a silly little snippet from her life. I can picture her printing […]
In March of 2013 I found some files on one of mom’s old computer hard drives. One of them is a Microsoft Word document named Gavin Blanket.doc and dated February 26th, 2006. I have no idea who Gavin is, but it is a sweet example of what a loving person mom was. Somewhere out there, […]