September 2, 2007
Dear Everett,
Before it gets to late to do so, I would like to propose some changes in our Member configuration for this year.
We have some options, I hope, still available to us.
For example, I would like to offer two full-time slots back to Volunteer Florida. (It has been done before. Sometimes programs are looking for additional Members.)
Then I would like for you and me to aggressively place two half-time/half-price Members as soon as we can.
Finally, we can convert the remaining two half-time Members into four quarter-time Members.
Our original configuration was 12 full-time and six half-time. That number equaled 15 MSYs.
If we are able to return two full-time, place a total of four half-time, and convert the final two half-time to four quarter-time, we would be at :
10 FT = 10 MSY ($3,400)
4 HT = 2 MSY ($1,753 or $800)
4 QT = 1 MSY ($500)That would give us a total of 13 MSY, only two short of our original 15.
In addition, the QT Members would each cost around $500 for approximately 425 hours of tutoring.
Obviously, there would have to be a budget adjustment, but I think this plan would help us to get as close as we can to our original 15 MSYs and might save the program for next year.
If you like, I can call Paula Tuesday to confirm that the plan is viable.
Thanks again for all your help in trying to place Members. At this point, I honestly think we should go back to Finley, Frank, and John in addition to personal visits. Maybe Rawlings would take one or two quarter time Members. I’m sure he wants them.
from a file named Plan for saving the program.doc found on mom’s computer hard drive