You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for 2011.
Trying to Get Information
December 7th, 2011 @ 8:04 am

I sent this email to my mom’s friend from her church: Thanks so much for sending this information. Do you also have any details about her current medications and schedule for taking them? That might be helpful to have. [My wife] and I had to put our dog Buddie down yesterday, and we are both […]

Kathie doctor info
December 6th, 2011 @ 2:18 pm

I received the following email from our family friend in Florida who has been helping us deal with mom: David, Dr. Stephen Oh is her psychiatric doctor – 386/258-6455 Dr. Dahila Fulop is her psychologist – Neurology Associates – 386/673-2500 Dr. Dannie Buck is her internist – 386/676-0505 I called and left a message for […]

Touching Base
December 5th, 2011 @ 9:14 pm

My mom’s friend from church called me and left me the following voice mail: Hi, David. It’s [name redacted]. Just wanted to touch base and see if you all had a chance to talk to Kathie’s doctors, and got a plan of some type going. If you could, give me a call when you have […]

November 17th, 2011 @ 2:38 pm

My mom took this photo of herself. I found it on her cell phone about two weeks after her death. It’s terribly blurry. I don’t know if she was playing with the camera and took the photo by accident or if she was trying to learn how to use the new phone or what. I […]

Happy Thanksgiving
November 11th, 2011 @ 8:51 pm

On November 11th, 2011, I sent my mom a card for Thanksgiving using the Apple Cards iOS app. It’s a great app to use for sending physical greeting cards to people that aren’t likely to enjoy an ecard. When I sent it to her, I really had no idea how much she was struggling. On […]

November 11th, 2011 @ 7:25 am

Here is a fragment of a journal entry I wrote on November 11th, 2011: I called my mom this morning and talked to her for the whole drive from Starbucks to the office. It was as sad as sad can be. I sort of snapped at her right off the bat for pretending to not […]

Wedding Party
November 1st, 2011 @ 12:00 pm

Here are a couple of photos my sister sent me from a wedding party my mom attended. They were taken either just before or just after Halloween, so I’m guessing on the date. Within six weeks of these photos being taken, she’d be institutionalized and hospitalized, never see her beloved dog or cat again, and […]

Dr. Oh
August 20th, 2011 @ 11:38 pm

I received the following email from mom’s friend from her Church in Florida: David, I took your mom to Dr. Oh two Wednesdays ago. He is her private doctor with his own office and he is paid when services are rendered. She normally pays — this time I fronted her the money and [name redacted] […]

markedly less depressed
August 18th, 2011 @ 10:09 pm

My mom’s friend from church sent me this email just three months before her life completely fell to pieces. The subject line was “your mom’s debit card”. After reading what she said about what Dr. Oh told her, I was (not for the last time) filled with tremendous hope that my mom would be able […]

Warning Signs
June 29th, 2011 @ 8:52 pm

Here are some portions of an email my sister sent me: […] I was having a couple of sad days just grieving over Mom and what is happening in her head. She asked me if I wanted to come to her house Friday night for dinner. It broke my heart because she was sincere, and […]