You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for January 2012.
Constance Calls
January 26th, 2012 @ 12:00 pm

I received a voice mail from Constance Wade this afternoon: “Hello. It’s Connie, from Halifax, just letting you know that your mother was retained at Baker Act court and I’m hopeful that you’re gonna get the booklet and the test 1 soon and you can just send us the test back and hopefully, y’know, your […]

Wellbutrin Finally Stopped
January 26th, 2012 @ 7:30 am

I called Halifax to try to talk to mom. It took me about ten minutes to finally get someone to get her to a telephone. I only had time to say hello and ask her how she was doing when she said she had to go to sleep because she was exhausted. I called again […]

A Call from Halifax
January 26th, 2012 @ 7:06 am

I received the following voice mail from a nurse at Halifax Hospital: “Hello, David. This is Rhonda Spellers. I’m at Halifax Hospital. I spoke with you yesterday. I’m calling you because your mother is very fearful. She’s paranoid and anxious. She didn’t sleep again last night at all. She’s wandering in and out of patients’ […]

No Stroke?
January 25th, 2012 @ 2:32 pm

Here is an email I just sent to Constance Wade at Halifax (and copied my sister): Dear Connie, Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me this morning. I very much appreciated your interpretation of the MRI she received on Friday, January 20, 2012. I am still somewhat in shock at […]

Rhonda Calls Again
January 25th, 2012 @ 9:35 am

Nurse Rhonda from the Halifax Hospital Psychiatric Unit called me again to ask about administering Namenda. She said it was prescribed by Dr. Mandeep Garewal; this is the first time I was informed of this doctor’s involvement in mom’s care at all. She told me that Dr. Garewal is the one who ordered the EEG […]

Talking to Connie
January 25th, 2012 @ 8:30 am

I had a very long phone call with Connie Wade at Halifax. She was calling to let me know that on January 26th, 2012 there would be another court hearing to institute a Baker Act again. Connie also told me that I am the designated GA. I asked her what a GA was and she […]

Request to Administer Namenda
January 25th, 2012 @ 5:17 am

I received a phone call from Nurse Rhonda at the Halifax Hospital Psychiatric Unit. I was asleep and didn’t wake when the phone rang, but she left me a voice mail asking if I would give consent for mom to be put on Namenda. Here is a transcript of the message she left me: “Hi. […]

A Follow-Up Email to Judy Martin
January 24th, 2012 @ 1:02 pm

I sent this message to Judy Martin <> and copied my sister: Dear Judy, I never received a response to the message I sent last Wednesday, January 18, 2012. I’ve included it here again, and am copying my sister, [name redacted]. ([name redacted] lives in Seattle, WA.) On the evening of Thursday, January 19, 2012, […]

A Response from Delia
January 24th, 2012 @ 7:43 am

Delia McClain sent me this email in response to my previous email and questions about Medicaid: Good morning Mr. Gagne, During our previous discussion, you also informed me that your mother had been diagnose with Dementia. I’d advised you that there is a program for clients with Dementia that I would add her name to […]

What Exactly Is Medicaid?
January 23rd, 2012 @ 2:45 pm

I sent this email to Delia McClain, Medicaid Client Services Specialist at ElderSource in Jacksonville, Florida: Hello, Delia, Thank you! You said that my mother, “will remain on the wait lists until funding becomes available.” I was only aware of a single wait list, what I have been referring to as the waiting list to […]