I sent this email to Constance Wade 1 in an effort 2 to get an updated list of which medications were being given to my mother:
Dear Connie,
This message is in regards to:
KATHLEEN ANNE GAGNE, aka “KATHIE” GAGNE, maiden name: [redacted]
DOB: 09/22/1948, SS#: [redacted]Can I please acquire a copy of my mother’s chart and / or a list detailing the medications / prescriptions she’s been administered for the last three or four days?
I’d like to know exactly which medications she’s received, the frequency, and the dosages.
If you are not the correct person to fulfill this request, can you please provide me with the contact information for the person who can?
Thank you sincerely,
1 I sent the email to both Constance.Wade@halifax.org and to conniewade@halifax.org because I am still unclear which one is correct.
2 She never did respond.