My sister sent me this email:
Coastal Rehab can be temporary for rehab or long-term. I think we will need to just count on it for temporary rehab (in terms of months) and see how Mom does. She will need to improve a lot for her to be able to go back to Grace Manor. She needs too much care. I don’t think we can really plan very far ahead just yet. See what you think when you get here and see her. Physical Therapy for Mom would cost $180/week for 3 30 minute sessions. If the PTs see that she can do more, they can increase how often they see her. That would be $720 for one month. The $2000 will cover two months of PT with the idea that she can possibly do more than 3 times a week. The room/board/psychologists/psychiatrists are covered by Medicaid. Coastal will take her in good faith when they see that the Medicaid process has been begun. (This is common amongst ALFs and nursing homes-knowing that people will have to pay down their money to get Medicaid.) Medicaid will back pay whatever Mom receives while at Coastal prior to its approval. Paying the $2000 will help get her “poor” enough for Medicaid.
The fax was sent to the courthouse. I will call Victoria in the morning to verify that she received it. […]