My sister just sent the following email to Sylvia Gray at Woodland Terrace:
Hi, Sylvia.
This is the latest information that I have regarding Kathleen Gagne’s Medicaid application.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you are the one handling this, as when I recently called Woodland Terrace to speak to you, I was told that Woodland has a social worker named Shelly who handles the Medicaid applications.
Please also let me know to whom I should send the most current bank statements, as this will be the third time I am sending them out.
You can reach me anytime at [number redacted].
Thank you.
She attached a copy of the letter sent to my mom by the Florida Department of Children & Families.
Sylvia Gray replied just a few minutes later with the following message:
Hello. I was able to get online to the Medicaid website today to try to figure out what has been done. I have given that information to Shelly who is indeed the lady who will be handling and assisting in the Medicaid process. I will forward this information to Shelly. We just need to make sure you have filed for nursing home Medicaid (ICP). The letter from DCF leads me to believe you have otherwise they would not be asking for 3008, level of care, etc.
I will ask Shelly to check on the 3008 and to file for the level of care from the CARES office (Dept of Elder Affairs).
My sister forwarded me that message from Sylvia and included the note:
Hi, David.
I received this from Sylvia today and spoke with Shelly Sparace. To clarify, Medicaid requires a 3008 from CARES which is an assessment of Mom’s condition to determine if she needs a nursing home or is able to return to independent living or live with family.
Shelly says that what I need to do at this time is email the bank statements to her, and she will get them to Medicaid. I will email them asap.
Shelly also said that I should speak to Sylvia regarding any payments. I am going to email Sylvia to let her know I am Mom’s Social Security Representative Payee and find out what arrangements need to be made.
About an hour later, my sister emailed Sylvia:
Hi, Sylvia.
Thank you for connecting me to Shelly. When she and I spoke, she directed me back to you to discuss any other payments for my mom. As her Social Security Representative Payee, I would like to make arrangements with you for payment. At this time, I feel more comfortable sending you a check versus having the funds go to directly to you, simply because Mom has been moved so many times. If things fall into place well, and Mom is able to stay at Woodland for a longer term, then I am happy to arrange the direct payments.
Please let me know the next steps I need to take.
Thank you for your help in caring for my mother.