At about noon on August 21st, 2012, a week and a half after my mother died, attorney Steve Phillips sent me this text message:

Dr wolf should be calling u now. She said she left MSG for u last night. Let me know if u don’t hear from her in the next hr.

I replied right away with:

She did not call or leave a message for me last night. Does she have incorrect phone number?

A few minutes later, he replied:

She had wrong number. Calling u soon.

And then a moment later:


I replied:


Then about an hour later (at 4:41 PM EDT) I wrote:

No call yet, FYI

And then a moment later:

I’m happy to call her if you have her number.

Steve replied:

She has the correct number now. Pincus said she would be calling u ASAP. I’m sure she will get to u soon

And I replied:


About an hour after that (at 5:19 PM EDT) I texted him with:

Still no call. Hate to keep bugging you, but really need to get this done so we can have cremation and service.

Steve sent this reply:

She understands the urgency. I’m sure she will call soon. Unfortunately she got the wrong number from us. She tried calling last night at 7 and earlier today