A Letter to Horizon Healthcare Center
March 10th, 2003 @ 7:46 pm

Here’s a letter mom wrote in early 2003 to the billing department of Horizon Healthcare Center, one of the assisted living facilities where my grandmother lived. I don’t know if she actually printed this and mailed it to them, although I assume she did.

Car Insurance and Love
May 13th, 1996 @ 11:25 pm

In which mom tries to make me feel better

These Joke Things
February 12th, 1992 @ 12:00 pm

More news from home

A Few Words of Wisdom
January 10th, 1992 @ 7:45 am

Some sound financial and auto advice

The Winner’s Credo
October 16th, 1991 @ 12:00 pm

Under pressure.

Mad Money
September 22nd, 1991 @ 12:00 pm

A birthday present

A Loan
September 18th, 1991 @ 12:00 pm

In which mom searches for financial help

September 15th, 1991 @ 12:00 pm

In which mom writes a long letter about her desperate financial straits