August 8 — Carol on Prayer
- Why pray?
- How do we pray?
- father knows needs before we ask
- recollection
- opposite of distraction
- fully recollected when we are completely enveloped in our prayer
- make distractions part of prayer
- carry theme all day
- try never to be separated from God
- try to look at things from God’s point of view – what he is trying to teach you
- living in the presence of God
- self is the opposite of the Lord.
- contemplation
- higher of the two
- contemplating on truth – God dwelling within us
- St. Theresa – Divine Union, science of love, sitting in presence of the Lord — absorbed into his presence
- St. Thomas – gaze at Truth under the influence of love
- gift the Lord gives you after you strive for it
- {helps} get rid of anything that can’t be held up before the Lord
- {helps} should have method
- think who you’re talking to
- think of aspect of Lord, etc. & make that your meditation
- draw all you can from it – feelings
- resolve that you’re going to stay close to the Lord
- Helps
- consecrate a certain time to Christ
- put aside all but Him
- be ready and willing to sit at His feet
- Love in your heart makes everything a prayer – when the Spirit of God is within us – Jake