“Letters to Mom”

One of her journals I found is titled “Letters to Mom”. It’s a collection of letters she wrote to her mother — my “Nana Anna” — starting about four months after her death.

Dear Mom,

I wish that I could understand why life gets so screwed up.

Somehow, I’m sitting in a rented condo, watching CSI.

I’m still alone. Jen is in Seattle and David is still in Los Angeles.

[Redacted] and David are very happy. Soon they will be presenting you with a great grandchild.

I’m very happy about that because I get to be a Grandma! It’s pretty old for me. I wish things were better. More news later.
Kathleen A. Gagne

Note: This entry is not dated, but was written between 2/21/09 and 3/6/10. She didn’t know that she was going to be a grandmother until after Christmas of 2009, so I’m guessing that the entry was written just a month or so after that.