I called Halifax Hospital to see if I could talk to my mom. I figured she’d be scared and anxious about being transferred from Stewart-Marchman ACT to there so abruptly. Unfortunately because it was so late and because of the amazingly consistent inefficiency and incompetence of the healthcare system in Volusia County, nobody there could find any authorization for me to be informed of anything about my mother.
Eventually two different caring and kind nurses managed to surreptitiously convey to me that my mom was there and that she was okay. One of them said something like, “If she was here, and you’d be smart to assume that she is, I could tell you that she is watching TV in her room and perfectly safe. You can call tomorrow and get more information.”
In my notes I wrote:
1900: called Halifax, talked to several nurses unable to confirm mom there, but let me know she was there and safe, okay