Michelle Cofano from the Department of Elder Affairs replied to my earlier email with:

Now that the Level of Care determination is completed, the Department of Children and Families will continue the process of financial approval.

Update: I replied to her on Thursday, August 9th, 2012 at 8:10 AM PDT with the following message:

Dear Michelle,

Can you tell me to whom at DCF you hand-delivered the “Level of Care” documentation? Do you have contact information for that person?

I am sure you can understand that I am wary of simply placing my faith in the efficiency of the government of the State of Florida. I need to know exactly what the next step is in this process.

What I mean is that “the Department of Children and Families” is never going to do anything. Somewhere there is a human being who needs to do something. I need to know who that is so I can ask him or her what is going to happen next.

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide,

Update: Michelle replied to me on Friday, August 10th, 2012 at 8:22 AM PDT with the following message:

Hello David,

I delivered the Level of Care to the office of The Department of Children and Families. The Level of Care is then forwarded to a case worker who is assigned to your mother’s case. I do not have the name of the case worker or the knowledge to answer your questions as I do not work for DCF. Please contact DCF at: 1 866-762-2237 for further information. I am sorry I cannot help more but I do not want to give you inaccurate information.

Thank You,
Michelle Cofano