You are viewing the Kathleen A. Gagne archives for August 2012.
A Call from a Friend
August 7th, 2012 @ 2:46 pm

Mom’s friend from church called this afternoon. She began by asking if I had talked to anyone at Woodland Terrace lately. I told her that I called them or they called me just about every day. She wanted to know if I knew anything about progress with mom’s application for Medicaid because the night nurse […]

Hospitals and The Cheesecake Factory
August 7th, 2012 @ 10:17 am

I highly recommend this article from The New Yorker, “Can Hospital Chains Improve the Medical Industry?”: In medicine […] we are trying to deliver a range of services to millions of people at a reasonable cost and with a consistent level of quality. Unlike the Cheesecake Factory, we haven’t figured out how. Our costs are […]

Level of Care
August 7th, 2012 @ 8:40 am

This morning I received a phone call from Michelle Cofano from the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. 1 She was calling to let me know that she does Medicaid eligibility approval, which is apparently another way of saying that she is responsible for submitting the “level of care” data to the state. (Yes, this is […]

Confirmation from Shelly
August 7th, 2012 @ 6:30 am

Early this morning Shelly from Woodland Terrace responded to my sister’s email from last night: Yes, all the information was forwarded on 7/23/12. I re-faxed the consents and 3008 again this morning. We are still waiting on the Level of Care and will forward that once received. Shelly (My sister replied with, “Thank you,” about […]

RE: Kathleen Gagne Medicaid
August 6th, 2012 @ 7:27 pm

My sister sent this email to both me and to Shelly Sparace 1 at Woodland Terrace: Hi, David and Shelly. I received a notice in my email that linked to this letter from Medicaid 2. Shelly, have these forms been sent? Attached was a 2.2MB PDF named “Medicaid Letter 8.7.2012”. It is another perfect example […]

Psychiatric Therapy Approved
August 3rd, 2012 @ 10:30 am

I just received a call from Shelly Sparace at Woodland Terrace. She asked how I was doing and I said that everything was going well aside from spending the last nine months dealing with the most horrible, traumatic thing that has ever happened to my family. She said she understood and sounded very sympathetic. She […]

Calling Woodland Terrace
August 2nd, 2012 @ 8:50 am

I called Woodland Terrace this morning hoping I would be able to get mom on the phone. 1 After a few rings, the line was answered, “Hello. Woodland Terrace. This is Rosa.” I asked if it was Rosa Rivera and she said it was. I identified myself and she said that “they” had received my […]

Nurse Luanne
August 1st, 2012 @ 10:38 am

I called Woodland Terrace to see if I could get an update from Nurse Luanne since I hadn’t heard from her in over an hour. A woman named Marty answered the phone. I told her that I had talked to Nurse Luanne in the West wing about an hour ago and wanted to know if […]

A Request to Administer Haldol
August 1st, 2012 @ 9:21 am

I just received a phone call from Nurse Luanne at Woodland Terrace. She introduced herself and confirmed my identity and then said, “We’re going to be stopping the Ativan and starting her on Haldol.” I asked her why and she told me that she had talked to Dr. Peele and he had approved Haldol because […]