Kathie Gagne died 4,579 days ago.

Medical Authorizations
July 3rd, 2013 @ 8:44 am

Early on the morning of July 3rd, 2013, I received an email from someone named Katherine Perez, a legal assistant at Mathis & Murphy, P.A. She wrote:


From: Katherine Perez
Sent: July 3, 2013 @ 08:44 AM PDT
Subject: Medical Authorizations

Mr. Gagne:

I am attempting to obtain additional medical records for Kathleen from the ambulance who transported her and from Halifax Medical Center. Attached are authorizations for your review and execution to this end.

Kindly sign and return these to me at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your assistance in this regard.

Katie Perez


Two fairly standard HIPAA release PDFs were attached to the email.

June 24th, 2013 @ 9:14 am

Kelly Mathis of Mathis & Murphy, P.A. just responded to my previous email. He wrote:


Sent: June 24, 2013 @ 08:11 AM PDT

This helps tremendously.

Do you mind if I get the opinion/assistance of another attorney?



I replied almost immediately with:


Sent: June 24, 2013 @ 08:14 AM PDT

I welcome any progress however achieved, and am happy to offer every assistance possible.

Primary Concerns
June 21st, 2013 @ 1:33 pm

This afternoon I replied to the email I received yesterday from Kelly Mathis:

Reviewing the Records
June 20th, 2013 @ 5:37 pm

This afternoon Kelly Mathis of Mathis & Murphy, P.A. responded to the email I sent him on Monday:


From: Kelly Mathis
Sent: June 20, 2013 @ 12:38 PM PDT
Subject: RE: Medical Records Review Status


I have been reviewing the records. My initial focus is on the respiradal issue. It seems clear that they gave this to your mother twice despite the fact that you had not authorized it. I don’t know, however, whether this caused her any ill effects. I am also looking into the general care issues.

Can you put together a very abbreviated list of bullet points of your other concerns to help me try to narrow the issues?



Yet Another Week
June 17th, 2013 @ 10:01 am

This morning I sent a follow-up to my last email to Kelly Mathis of Mathis & Murphy, P.A.:


Sent: June 17, 2013 @ 09:58 AM PST
Subject: Medical Records Review Status

Hey Kelly,

It’s been two weeks since our last communication and ten days since I emailed you asking for an estimate.

I understand that reviewing my mother’s medical records is likely a complicated and time-consuming process. I don’t want to repeatedly bother you for updates, so I’m just looking for any sort of idea of how long you think this next step will take or when you think I should check in with you again.

In nine days I’ll be forty. It will be my first birthday without my mother. And we are quickly approaching the first anniversary of her death.

Another Week
June 7th, 2013 @ 10:19 am

I haven’t heard from anyone at Mathis & Murphy, P.A. since we (finally) received copies of mom’s medical records from Woodland Terrace a week ago. This morning I emailed Kelly Mathis to ask for a status update.


Sent: June 7, 2013 @ 10:18 AM PST

Hey Kelly,

Do you have any sort of estimate of how long it will take to review my mother’s medical records?

After waiting for over nine months, I’m sure you can understand that I am very anxious to move forward.

Thank you sincerely,

Medical Records Received!
May 31st, 2013 @ 1:55 pm

Medical RecordsAlmost exactly nine months after I started trying to get them, I finally have copies of mom’s medical records from the thirty-seven days she spent at Woodland Terrace. Just before two o’clock in the afternoon on May 31st, 2013, I started downloading eight emails from Kelly Mathis of Mathis & Murphy, P.A. Each message contained a PDF comprised of dozens and dozens of scanned and faxed pages.

It is unsurprising that the majority of them are barely legible. The handwriting is deplorably bad, notes are incomplete, pages are copied, scanned, or faxed poorly so edges are missing, there is a complete and total lack of organization which is breathtaking, etc. But at least we now have them.

I sent Kelly this email as soon as I realized what was in my Inbox:


Sent: May 31, 2013 @ 2:42 PM PDT
Subject: Medical Records Received!


This afternoon I received from you, via your legal assistant’s email address, nine (9) separate emails, each with a single attachment.

So what is the next step? What do we do now?

Thank you!


Later that night I sent this follow-up email to Kelly:


Sent: June 1, 2013 @ 1:13 AM PDT
Subject: Missing Email?

Hey Kelly,

I seem to be missing an email.

I thought you had sent nine (9) messages, each with a PDF attachment, because the first one I received has a subject line of “Records Email 1” and the last one I received has a subject line of “Email 9”. But I do not have an email with the subject line “Email 5”, so I actually only have eight (8) documents.

Can you please check to see if one your messages was not delivered or if you inadvertently mislabeled them and there are really only eight?

Thank you again. I anxiously await news from you regarding what the next step in this process is.



Kelly responded to me the following Monday with:


Sent: June 3, 2013 @ 6:22 AM PDT
Subject: RE: Missing Email?


You are correct. There are only 8 emails. I misnumbered them.

Our job now is […].


The Waiting
May 29th, 2013 @ 8:33 am

On the morning of May 29th I received a blind carbon copy of an email, sent at 11:30 AM on the East coast, that Kelly Mathis of Mathis & Murphy sent to James Morrison of Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A., the law firm representing Woodland Terrace. Kelly still hasn’t responded directly to the voice mail I left him last week or to the emails I sent him on the 28th or 24th, which is a little frustrating; but I guess by BCCing me on the email he is sort of keeping me updated. And I suppose that he has nothing to tell me, since — as usual — nothing has happened.

Here is the entire message Kelly sent to Mr. Morrison:


Will it be necessary to file suit just to get the records?


At 10:45 AM (on the West coast) on May 30th, I sent this question via email to Kelly:



Has Mr. Morrison responded to this email yet?

Status Quo
May 28th, 2013 @ 10:06 am

Kathleen Albanese GagneMom has been dead for nine and a half months now, and I have been trying unsuccessfully to get Woodland Terrace — the nursing facility where she died — to give me copies of her medical records since about two weeks after that. Their latest stall tactic is to say they won’t deliver the records until we’ve paid for photocopying them, and they continue to delay by not sending us an invoice to pay. On Monday, May 20th, Mr. Morrison of Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. — the law firm representing Woodland Terrace — told Kelly Mathis of Mathis & Murphy, P.A. that we, “should get invoice this week.”

I told Mr. Mathis on the 20th that I had little faith that they would actually do that, and of course I was right. I emailed and called him on the 24th to ask him what we should do next, but he has yet to reply to my email or voice mail. So this morning I sent him this email:



Have you received an invoice yet? Have you had any further contact with Mr. Morrison at all?

As a reminder: On May 20th Mr. Morrison indicated that he spoke to Woodland Terrace on the 17th and that we, “should get invoice this week,” which would have been by the 24th.

PS: I tried contacting you via email and voice mail on the 24th.

Another Week.
May 24th, 2013 @ 9:49 am

Brick WallJust after seven o’clock this morning, Friday, May 24th, 2013, I emailed Kelly Mathis of Mathis & Murphy, P.A. in regards to my quixotic attempt to get Woodland Terrace to release my mother’s medical records. I was specifically writing in response to Monday’s email exchange between Mr. Mathis and Mr. Morrison of Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. — the law firm representing for Woodland Terrace — in which Mr. Morrison stated that Mr. Mathis should receive an invoice this week.

The “invoice” to which Mr. Morrison refers is to proactively compensate Woodland Terrace for the printing and photocopying of the medical records; their (most recent) excuse for not yet having provided me with the medical records is that this invoice — which has never been seen by anyone — is unpaid.

I wrote:



Do you expect to hear from Mr. Morrison today?

David Gagne


I hadn’t received a response from Mr. Mathis by 9:45 AM, so I called his office. His receptionist said he was at lunch, so I left him a voice mail asking him to return my call.