Happy Easter
Happy Easter
It’s been a long time, but I wanted to write down what Susan said today. She said: “Challenge your irrational thoughts!” What a concept! David and [redacted] are coming for Christmas from the 22nd to the 30th! And I’m off all those days! Wow! Now, if we could only come up with some money! With […]
So, back to my life as it is. This is such a remarkable time with Jen, but she’s leaving Wednesday, going to Chicago for at least until the end of October. And going on the Trail again in a couple of weeks. How can I be so proud of her and so scared for her […]
Jen’s pretty definitely moving in sometime in May. She says we’re in a good place so we can get along. But she also says she’s probably going to move to Chicago before the end of the year. And tomorrow’s Easter. A year since we’ve seen David for more than 24 hours. What the hell am […]
I’ve finished two full weeks of work. It’s okay, but I’m still working with a team. Donna is great. She seems to be an incredibly nice woman. She’s already looking for ways to get me a Masters degree. I think my money problems are going to be with me for a while. I either need […]
“Look to this day, for yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision. But today – well lived – makes yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to today.” Heard it on a soap opera of all things. Sure makes a lot of sense. I […]
It seems like forever since I’ve written. Still no job, very little money, getting behind on bills. It’s pretty depressing because I was just at the point where my credit was getting restored. I’ve had some problems with my blood pressure. I’ve been walking 4 or 5 times a week with the silly pups. I […]
Mom could sing
In which mom goes to work as a gypsy for Halloween
Notes on a tennis match