“Letters to Mom”
One of her journals I found is titled “Letters to Mom”. It’s a collection of letters she wrote to her mother — my “Nana Anna” — starting about four months after her death.
Dear Mom,
It dawned on me over the weekend that I never asked you what your dreams were. Maybe you didn’t have any beyond marriage and children, but I suspect that’s not the whole story.
I’m sorry if some of your dreams didn’t come true. I know you loved to travel, and you did that. Remember all the bowling trips? and Italy twice? And Canada with Daddy and Dick and me?
I know you loved having your own business. You were a natural. I only wish you had listened to me about Aunt Dora and Uncle Rocco.
I don’t remember if I ever told you about doing jewelry work with Daddy at the kitchen table. We watched the Stalag show.
You were working at Star Market, I think.
I hope enough of your dreams came true so that you were happy most of the time.
I Love You,
Kathleen A. Gagne